Say hello to the Love Dino!

Meet the Love Dino — cute and friendly, this adorable dino is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. Watch the video below to see the Love Dino in Webkinz World, and see its gorgeous, animated Cloud Nine Window in action.

34 Responses to Say hello to the Love Dino!

  1. weemac says:

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!its just so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

  2. anonymous says:

    it is so cute! the video is cute too!

  3. love dino says:

    aw now i want it!!!!!!!!!!

  4. anna Sophia says:

    Love it because i have him

  5. Lady14 says:

    He is soooooooooo cute !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  6. Anastasia says:

    I like it it’s soooooo cute!
    It’s one of the cutest webkinz around actually all of them are.Webkinz always make the cutest webkinz!

  7. hannah says:

    aww its so cute!!

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