Shih Tzu Sneak Peek

The Webkinz Shih Tzu will be available this May 2011.

241 Responses to Shih Tzu Sneak Peek

  1. TROY says:

    omg dogs are awesome most of all i like the daschunds most of all

  2. god9876 says:

    so excited….can’t wait to get my very own shih tzu and bring her home….thanks webkinzzzzzzzzzz

  3. Allen! says:

    Is it a plush? I want to see a picture of the plush for the plushies. It’s less confusing!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Maybe you haven’t met the right cat yet, to whomever is afraid of them. Maybe they smell your fear. Rats are one of the smartest animals on the planet. Not very cute, but the circuts in their brain are wired for memory, and more than just survival. Dogs are smart too. But just like any animal species (humans as the prime example) some members of their species aren’t too smart.
    :D Friend a furry animal and it will be the greatest thing you’ve ever done!!! :D BTW I have 2 cats, guinea pig and hamster.

  5. Emily says:

    I love dogs!!!!!!
    The shih tzu is sooooooooo adorable!

    user name is abcadoodle

  6. Anonymous says:

    Why did yours change look for shih-tzu for may 2011.Was first 1 a mistake.I like other look then new look.

  7. melvingirl says:

    i like this new pet! when rae they gonna announce the spring chick winners? it’s been about a month .add me on webkinz i’m melvingirl

  8. Webkinz User says:

    OMG! I love it’s PSI!

  9. Me! says:

    Jack Sparrow rocks. Btw, i heart cats! This is just my opinion but- Cats are way better than dogs! They’re so cuddly and cute and they love you no matter what you look like! (I mean dogs do too…. but cats just…. idk…..) Don’t get me wrong, I like dogs too! Cats are just my favorite! I LOVE CATZ!!!! =)

    (PS my cat’s name is Jig. =D)


  10. Cassidy says:

    I do not really like it .it is ok.but i like cats better then dume dogs.cats are smartter and dogs are dume.cats rule dogs drool.Oh yah lol

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