Signature Lop Bunny

43 Responses to Signature Lop Bunny



  2. Sisters having something to say to Zike says:

    Zike, i under stand that you have you own opion but that does not mean you have to try to change ours buy telling us all these rude and snobby comments about this really cute webkinz. Have you noticed that your comment is the only negitive comment on this webkenz?! Write nice stuff ok, webkinz is for fun not for lets gang up and hate a cute/adorable lop bunny!

  3. TyeDye5 says:

    Is the bed it comes with go outside??? I REALLY HOPE IT DOSENT!!! because i already bought all this adorable stuff!!

  4. graciegoo42 says:

    OH MY GOSH! I have a mini lop bunny, too, and her name is Lila! This is SOOOO cute! This is one of the cutest Webkinz there are. I’m definitely gonna get it. LUV IT:)

  5. Sharon (dogses) says:

    I JUST GOT IT TODAY!!! I named it Emily. The PSI is really cute and the pet is adorable!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    This is so adorable! I just bought one this Saturday. I made it a girl (Of coarse!) and her name is May. I am a little upset because her PSI is an outdoor item and a couple of stuff I was going to put in her (was going to be) would look so cute and would be perfect! But no, It is an outdoor! Oh well! Anyways if your not sure to get it because it cost to much, your making a BIG MISTAKE!! Bye ;)

  7. weezy says:

    who eat carrots? I never catch’em

  8. buggy316 says:


  9. RoRoBunBun says:

    Zike, I know it’s matter of opinion, but bunnies have opinions too, SOME BUNNIES DO EAT CARROTS. Anyway the bed is just meant to be cute, grass is like a blanket, dirt is like the bed. Carrots and wire stars are supposed to make it look full, … not empty. The nose is meant to look small, also bunnies have noses shaped like that. Does it really even matter about the soup at all?!?!? I mean it doesn’t matter how it looks anyway, the pet still loves it. Some bunnies do eat carrots, it’s kinda like vampires, not all drink blood, but most do.

  10. RoRoBunBun says:

    Love this bunny, found the perfect b-day gift for moi!!! I love it, keep designing more cuteness!!! And BUNNIES LOVE CARROTS, sorry Zike, I fed A WILD BUNNY carrots and celery on Christmas eve. So there, bunnies love carrots.:) :) :) :) :)

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Signature Lop Bunny

The Signature Lop Bunny will be available in February 2011.

186 Responses to Signature Lop Bunny

  1. snicklefritz98 says:

    omg soooooooooo cute! love it! need it! want it!

  2. Sparkle8293 says:

    I really like it! It’s not my favorite though. I really like the bed and the special food.

  3. mollymagoo2001 says:

    spots are so in season.

  4. christian says:

    its so cute

  5. poppsy22 says:

    i cant bunny is the same thing!

  6. Collie717 says:

    Cute virtual form! Love the item, it’s very farm-like to me. :)

  7. elisabeth says:

    the holland lop is ssssssooooocute.i”ll give ideas later……..

  8. Squeeble La Seal says:

    I love it! Also, the Easter mazin hamster is awful precious, too, I saw it on ebay!

  9. Mia says:

    Oh- It’s SO incredebly cute! I hope I get him for my Birthday!

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