Sneak Peek: Cocoa Lab

The Cocoa Lab comes with a Frozen Treat Fridge and Caramel Ice Pop. The Cocoa Lab will be available June 2012.

81 Responses to Sneak Peek: Cocoa Lab

  1. the dude says:

    to have fun

  2. UnicornsRAmazing says:

    Hi!! What do you guys think of this pet??? I have the retired Chocolate Lab, and in my opinion, I like it better. This one looks too similar and Webkinz should have been a little more creative when it came to replacing the original Chocolate Lab. Doesn’t matter though, this one’s still really cute!!! Let me know what the rest of you guys think…… ~URAmazing

  3. cathouse2 says:

    That dog is SO CUTE!!!!!!! I REALLY want to get it! It comes out in JUNE!!!!!! My FAVORITE MONTH!!!! I can’t wait! >>> cathouse2

  4. CMO3rd says:

    sooooo cute!i love it1:)

  5. CosmicThunder says:

    This reminds me of another pet.

  6. hannah says:

    omg adorable

  7. riley42505 says:


  8. annika says:

    It’s so cute!!!!!

  9. YellowYoshi says:

    I still think that the original chocolate lab looks better. The should have named it cocoa hound or cocoa puppy or something to that effect.

  10. Cupcake luv says:

    Aw. He is so cute!! I want the coco lab so much!! Can you please make a newer version of a German Shepherd for the e-store, Ganz?? Please????

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