Sneak Peek: Cookies and Cream Koala

We won’t sugar coat it – you are going to be sweet on this new pet. When you adopt the Cookies and Cream Koala, this pet will drive into your life atop its adorable Cupcake Forklift and carry your heart away. It just loves to munch on its favorite Cookie Crumb Sundae, which is appropriate because any way the cookie crumbles, you’re going to love this pet.

Gift Box: Cookies and Cream Koala

Special Item: Cupcake Forklift

Special Food: Cookie Crumb Sundae

224 Responses to Sneak Peek: Cookies and Cream Koala

  1. dirdenjan says:

    OMGGOOSHH Cute! pet! webkinz i think this is the best pet you ever made! i’m in love with koalas

  2. owsomegirl says:

    its sooo cute wonder if meijer caries it??

  3. NFS98 says:

    i have 9 webkinz and i am NFS1998 if you want to friend me
    sorry i’m on so late!!! :)

  4. webkinzluvah says:

    Not another candykinz! ):

  5. webkinz fan says:

    Even though this might be estore It’s a really nice one!!! I think I might get it since I LOVE!!! cookies and cream!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. kayla says:

    I LOVE this pet how do they come up with so many great ideas i hope they post this as where you can enter a contest so you can get it for free you webkinz people are great!

  7. combusken054780 says:

    Love it!!! It can be friends with my mint chocolate cow!!

  8. #1 fan of webkinz says:

    It looks more like a ram.

  9. gaberdoodle1234 says:

    I like this one the best.. well actually i like the butterfly the most but this is my second choice..

  10. StarCat says:

    Can you PLEASE make all of the candy kinz into plush? You can keep the e-store ones, but you’d make more money if everyone could buy them as plushies! And why not make ALL of the e-store pets into plush while your at it? I read that e-store pets were made for people who lived where they didn’t sell plush. But now it’s just greedy! Think of all the Webkinz players who quit the site because of the e-store, because all of the cool pets they made for it were online only, and buying pixels is a waste of money. And people don’t want the plushies, they can just sell them!
    If anyone agrees, please reply!

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