Sneak Peek: Lollipop Snail

Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how you can get your hands on the virtual only Lollipop Snail!

63 Responses to Sneak Peek: Lollipop Snail

  1. $tarryNight says:

    Aw! Look a the little car! It reminds my of the car in Wreck-it Ralph!

  2. cutegoogles says:

    Love it so much! wish it was a plush!

  3. webkinz member says:

    where can u buy this?

  4. level8gymnast says:

    WOW! The pet is cute, but the psi and psi are awesome! :D <3

  5. taniacool says:

    Cute but its estore :(

  6. weezie770 says:

    it’s so cute. But why is everything only in the e-store. it’s not fair. everyone can not afford deluxe webkins.

  7. gymnasticslover123 says:


  8. naomi says:

    AWWW CUTE! !!!!! I love lollipops! But i might not want to eat this one!!! kinda because its a real live snail!!!! I hope i can gt this lollipop snail!!! I mean who would’nt want this adorible snail??????? please Ganz make more candy kinz there always so CUTE!!!!!!! love it Ganz

  9. naomi says:

    CUTE!!!!! Like it Ganz!!!!!

  10. WebkinzPlushLover says:

    COOL!!!! Look at that cute little car! But its estore!

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