Sneak Peek: Pom Pom Dino

Give me a P, give me an O, give me an M…! Meet the cheer-tastic Pom Pom Dino! This colorful pet gears up for the big game by mowing down some sugary Polka Dot Cream Puffs! And when they want to show off their best cheerleader moves, they head straight for their own bouncy Cheerful Trampoline!

33 Responses to Sneak Peek: Pom Pom Dino

  1. Cupcakes1911 says:

    I love the food and the trampoline.

  2. Iluvsticker says:

    I like the PSI PSF gift box but the pet isn’t my favorite ( no offence).

  3. JustyKopietz says:

    This pet is not for me. It’s head is…… Shaped weird.

  4. rosslynchrocks2003 says:


  5. alonnia_01 says:

    love him/Her. such a sweetie

  6. scoobydoo103 says:

    that dino is really pomtactic

  7. frostypoo says:

    he’s a cutie! i like his big head!

  8. 2zaney2 says:

    I wish they showed you what it looks like from other angles, you can’t see the pom poms.

  9. helloprettypanda says:

    I don’t really think that this dino looks like what I was hoping for it to look like~but the PSF looks very cute!

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