Sneak Peek: Red Velvet Fawn

Meet the delicate and sweet Red Velvet Fawn! This soft and loving pet just adores spending time with friends like you! So much so, in fact, that they have their own personal Forest Traveler Luggage to take with them on their many trips to visit their loved ones! But before they head on their way, be sure to whip them up a batch of hot and sweet Red Velvet Pancakes, their most prized meal of all!

138 Responses to Sneak Peek: Red Velvet Fawn

  1. zinzogs says:

    Red velvet. I NEED IT!!!! (eheheh i need every Webkinz).

  2. doters45 says:

    aww its so cute! it would be the perfect friend for my winter fawn!

  3. Iluvsticker says:

    That’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! Too bad it’s estore only (IF it is which it probably is but possibly is not.)

  4. Nevie_Boo says:

    I’d probably name her Tessa Apple! I think that this is a fantastic fawn! And it looks very sweet! Nevie_Boo

  5. k9hatake says:

    soooo cute! I love red velvet anything!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeee! Add this to the collection!!!!!

  6. bowtie54372 says:

    OMG! This pet is so adorable! I don’t think that it’s plush though.:-( I think that it’s unfair that they charge the same amount for a virtual pet as they do for a plush with a code. This pet’s psi sucks. The food is super cute thought!:-)

  7. kitkat555555 says:

    cute, cute and more CUTE!!!!!

  8. mindi213 says:

    its so cute!!!

  9. karissaleigh says:

    super cute! Bambi

  10. SniveSnive says:

    Fawns are logically girls.

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