Sneak Peek: Signature English Bulldog

Great Scott! It’s the English Signature Bulldog! You’ll have a smashing good time with your new friend as you explore their brave new world together! When this posh pet gets knackered after a jolly good day of play, steer them straight toward their magnificent Double Decker Bus Bed, a symbol of their beloved homeland! And when it’s time for afternoon tea, be sure to serve them a whole Great Puppy Poundcake, a monumental dessert fit for royalty! Cheerio!

96 Responses to Sneak Peek: Signature English Bulldog

  1. KaiBree4 says:

    Not to be braggy or anything but I asked ganz to make this one. I did’t think they would. But… yeah…. Hey ganz… um.. can you please keep the signatures going? I mean a lot of us have a bunch of signatures and some of us don’t have a signature and there’s one that we’ve always wanted. Please just…. keep them going there webkinz! Everyone loves them please ganz…. Do it for us… do for your compeny…. do for you…. please ganz… don’t stop!

  2. Texaslonghorns1060 says:

    I have it i just got it yesterday from my aunt! ITS SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!

  3. mayscuz212 says:

    so cute…love it …I wish had one bulldog..i had 5 webinkz….of I 1 more have 6 of them.which is 1 page

  4. lilryanman says:

    awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! he is so adorible i hope to find him anywhere in any store that sells Webkinz hopefully i can find him at Toys R Us

  5. alexe998 says:

    Aww!!!! Adorable. I love it I better get him

  6. anniec07 says:

    He might actually be worth gettin’!

  7. webkinsdog100 says:

    i have to get this lol :D

  8. tweetylauren2005 says:


  9. heatherflower08 says:

    we raise bullbeas and this would really be awesome to have for my 5 year old who thinks all dogs are bulldogs lol

  10. webkinz500 says:

    OMG SO CUTE!!!! :D I just want to hug it XD

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