Sneak Peek: Signature Siberian Husky

The Signature Siberian Husky comes with a Norther Research Igloo and Alaskan Baked Salmon. The Signature Siberian Husky will be available in January 2012.

90 Responses to Sneak Peek: Signature Siberian Husky

  1. 1 says:

    I really want that siberian husky and I would name it snowy.

  2. Luvbluggy says:

    I got her for Valentine’s Day! Named her Glacier! Cutest pet ever, plus the PSI! Looks like a real Siberian Husky!

  3. PresidentPro says:

    I am thinking of naming mine Buck, or maybe Balto.

  4. Husky 101 says:

    Oh My Gosh I love Huskys I have all of the webkinz ones this will be perfect

  5. Ash says:

    Adorable! I have a Husky but she’s red. Really realistic and cute.

  6. Wolves says:

    i love this pet. i got one for christmas. the plush is the cutest!

  7. Emily The yellow Ranger From Power Rangers Samurai says:

    i will love the pet if i saw it in stores i will be so happy

  8. Firestar says:

    My husky…. even though i already have the older one…..before they made adventure park pets…i have no clue what to name it though…. defenatly not Max… i wish i had all of the adventure park pets… and its totally unfair if u own an adventurre park pet before they made the adventure park and you cant do a quest …. =)… =P

  9. Wolfchild says:

    Aww, cute! Hope they do a Signature Rottweiler soon!

  10. KelsoLvr4444 says:

    I am definitely getting this pet. Hmm what should I name it? Probably something like…hmm i seriously don’t know. LOL All i know is i am getting this pet for sure.

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