Sneak Peek: Signature Snow Leopard

Cozy up to the beautiful Signature Snow Leopard! No stranger to the cold winds of their northern habitat, this sleek cat warms up on winter evenings with a hot cup of Cozy Cocoa! And whether they’re keeping a watch over their lands or simply taking a rest, you’ll often find them deep in the wilderness enjoying the view from their pristine Alpine Cave!

228 Responses to Sneak Peek: Signature Snow Leopard

  1. price1245 says:

    this pet is amazing. all items and food that come with it a really cool.the pet is cute and cool.

  2. Luvtoride456 says:

    How come Ganz made a snow leopard in August???

  3. tundrawolf101 says:

    i looooove this pet! it will be my second signature,ironic that my forst is an arctic hare?

  4. Webkinz User says:

    I want it!

  5. janestar1932 says:


  6. bffsforever4567 says:


  7. sprinkles505 says:


  8. sierra112 says:

    it is so cute!

  9. AJRocks says:

    Soooo cute!!!! I love it, thanks Ganz you guys come up with the most cutest webkinz!

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