Sneak Peek: Signature Yellow Labrador Retriever

The Signature Yellow Labrador Retriever is a loving friend that always manages to look quite fetching! Both loyal and fun, this adorable dog will be able to rest up for their next playtime with you in their Playful Pup Bed! And when they are feeling hungry, make sure you serve them a delicious meaty meal like a Golden Rib Steak!

46 Responses to Sneak Peek: Signature Yellow Labrador Retriever

  1. Webkinz User says:

    Show a chiuaua for once

  2. characterdance2 says:

    so cute!!!!!

  3. SamanthaFooFoo says:

    So cute… definitely getting it :) maybe for my bday

  4. Skylark222 says:

    Labs are cool and everything but I keep hoping for a Collie. The regular one was retired a while ago and I can no longer get it, but to see a signature would be amazing.

  5. canyoufeelit says:

    sooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. lovespaniel35_ says:

    I can’t wait to get it and it’s not very expensive !!! ♥♪♥

  7. jamessonharry says:

    Cutest….. EVER!!!!!:):):) (That is, after the cupcake pup!:)

  8. webkinzlove12 says:

    this webkinz is cute. but a bigfoot would be cooler!

  9. Mer5288 says:

    Yay!!! I want it so bad, how did you know that it was my favorite?

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