Trading Cards Series 4 – Crafty Kimmy’s Desk

You’ll definitely want to get crafty once you have Crafty Kimmy’s Desk in your room — another piece of Kinzville to call your very own.

Crafty Kimmy’s Desk

Get this and other special Kinzville Citizens furniture when you unlock Feature Codes that come with Trading Cards Series 4.

Series 4 Trading Cards will be available in stores by early March 2009. Check your favorite Webkinz retailer for availability. Click here to read more about Trading Cards Series 4.

3 Responses to Trading Cards Series 4 – Crafty Kimmy’s Desk

  1. BatRulz says:

    I own this :D

  2. Megan says:

    Mine is Just a Dream by Kerrie Underwood

  3. Sparx????? says:

    welcome to my music club, quick quetion, what iz your favorite song????? mine is Firework by Katy Perry

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