Spring Celebration – Play Peek-A-Newz

Time to play Peek-A-Newz!

Find the White Chocolate Egg five times each day between 11am EST, April 18 until 11:ooam EST, April 25th and you’ll win a White Chocolate Egg each day! The “day” begins at 11:00am EST and ends at 11:00am EST the next calendar day.

How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for the White Chocolate Egg. When you find the White Chocolate Egg, click on it. Find the White Chocolate Egg five times, then fill in the form and a White Chocolate Egg will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day.

346 Responses to Spring Celebration – Play Peek-A-Newz

  1. joyce says:

    This is ridiculous. It would be nice, if it actually worked.

  2. tj says:

    Absolutely hate the Peek-A-Newz! Keeps saying I have already played and page has expired. Very frustrating and won’t play any more. Way to go tech department…..

  3. kdbpanda says:

    This morning I got the message “Sorry” and “Too many logins”. Later I tried again after clearing my cache and it said that I had already played today (which I had not). Not I get the “Too many Login Attempts” message again. I’ve cleared my cache plenty of times. Hope they fix the problem today or extend another day to make up for the programming problem they seem to be having.

  4. tj says:

    I just logged in and it said I already played and has expired. Please fix!

  5. mysunicorn says:

    There were no floating dice all day Monday and we should get more than one roll a day or it will take forever to reach the mall and everyone will start losing interest and just leave it like Dice Kinz etc.

  6. mysunicorn says:

    Yes, it is very hard to find the choclate egg pieces. It took me afternoon to finally get 5. but each time I found the egg , a notice came up saying I found that one already and then it said that the page could not be found. Finally after clicking one one it said I had found 5 and that I would have a white choclate egg in my dock. Then it said the page could not be found. I did get my egg though. I agree with all the othe Webkinz owners it is very difficult to find and most of them get only an hour to play on Webkinz and therefore only have time to do the daily activities and maybe change a few things in their rooms or on their pets. Come on Webkinz Creators fix this. Also there are so many glitches on the regular Webkinz too!!!!

  7. too many login attempts says:

    I am still getting that message “too many login attempts” and I tried on a different browser that I have never tried before. VERY AGGRAVATING!! How does one clear the cache? I don’t think that is the problem because I have never had this issue before. It even tells me that message for the floating dice game. ARGHHH!!

  8. fairy375 says:

    I think i might give up.
    to me……this is pretty hopeless.

  9. asd says:


  10. nascarmom1 says:

    Not working for me this morning…..it say that I’ve already successfully played Peek-A-News today…noooooo….I haven’t played today yet….anyone else with this problem?????

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