Spring Celebration – Play Peek-A-Newz

Time to play Peek-A-Newz!

Find the White Chocolate Egg five times each day between 11am EST, April 18 until 11:ooam EST, April 25th and you’ll win a White Chocolate Egg each day! The “day” begins at 11:00am EST and ends at 11:00am EST the next calendar day.

How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for the White Chocolate Egg. When you find the White Chocolate Egg, click on it. Find the White Chocolate Egg five times, then fill in the form and a White Chocolate Egg will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day.

346 Responses to Spring Celebration – Play Peek-A-Newz

  1. babyghost51 says:

    i am so upset . i found 4 eggs . i stayed for hour and no egg then i go back and found 3 eggs stay hour again no eggs. i waste my time could been playing games or playing with webkinz

  2. kayla shum says:


  3. oppgal says:

    I cant find any white chocolate eggs!!!!! Where are they?

  4. shining star says:

    I searched for those eggs,but I found just one of them
    Do you know how to find them faster?

  5. otterburne says:

    Please stop arguing.I love webkinz, lets me nice.
    That is enough!
    Peace and love… (I’m not a hippie)
    -otterburne (Don’t ask about the username, I’m not quite sure of how I got that either)
    PS If anyone happens to have an extra pond, Please send it to me and I will send you an exclusive or rare item.

  6. mandapanda258 says:

    wait, so what was this arguement about again??? i started reading comments and i couldn’t figure out what the fight was about, so how about ya’ll drop the whole thing over nothing

  7. Evan says:

    GUESS WHAT! Guess what: Everyone here can read.

  8. mimi65323 says:

    i to wear glasses, but im not mad at GUESS WHAT! she or he was just making it clearer, but it was offesive with the reading part because yo need to know how to read to be here. also she wrote it so we have to read that.

  9. ghntde1 says:

    i need help finding white eggs like were in webkinz news would they be

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