Summer Fun Peek-A-Newz

Time to play Peek-A-Newz!

Log in below and find the featured host five times between 12:00am EST and 11:59pm EST each day from July 8 to July 20, and you’ll win a special prize!

How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for the featured host. When you find the host, click on him or her. Find the host five times, then fill in the form and a special prize will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day.

236 Responses to Summer Fun Peek-A-Newz

  1. NickyMouse says:

    Hello every one i just started peek a newz…………..any one want to be my friend??? My user is ngluvscarebears

  2. iluvcheekydogs says:

    Aww thanks webkinz!!! I cant wait! Thanks webkinz for being awesome!

  3. NEEDMONEYBADLY!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    I got a flowing palm tree lov it! it looks good in my waterpark!yes, i have a waterpark in my house, but if anyone else has any outdoor items that have to do with water please send them to me!PLEASE!m out of money. or just friend me- my user is lobo08!

  4. nugget1307 says:

    all i got was a conch shell. lame!
    add me: nugget1307

  5. itsmesayhello says:

    How do you find the prize ? Is she just floating past? and @monkey6- my idol has the same birthdayy!! xD

  6. Webkinzlover says:

    i have tried for the last 3 days to find those 2 characters but i havent found either!!!!!!

  7. goldstarz says:

    This Peek-A-News? What prizes are there? I don’t waste my time on furniture and food. I DO use up my time on rare clothes and clothing recipes!

  8. dog_luvr says:

    I love peek-a-newz! I got an inflatable palm tree. Happy hunting everyone!


  9. kyleigh says:

    love webkinz

  10. lilspring says:

    I got a lava rock and the day before I got nachos. ;)

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