Summer Fun Peek-A-Newz

Time to play Peek-A-Newz!

Log in below and find the featured host five times between 12:00am EST and 11:59pm EST each day from July 8 to July 20, and you’ll win a special prize!

How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for the featured host. When you find the host, click on him or her. Find the host five times, then fill in the form and a special prize will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day.

236 Responses to Summer Fun Peek-A-Newz

  1. skubiedooooo says:

    2nd day in a row, i didn’t receive a prize, just kinzcash (amount unknown). sigh.

  2. lauren says:

    i still dont understand where to go.? can someone please help me

  3. jessnicrod says:

    okay all i got yesterday for playing webkinz peek-a-newz was lasagna! whats up with that??!!

  4. skit24 says:

    I have not tried this yet but i am going to!!

  5. BJ says:

    I played peek-a-newz for all five accounts and the prizes did not show in my accounts. Plus I haven’t seen the sun floatie at all today!

  6. lemonadedrop says:

    I want people to please friend me!! and my two friends. I am lemonadedrop. they are cutieblacklab and enthukid, please friend us on WW!

  7. Anika says:

    I love peek a news it feels like I’m in heaven.

  8. sweetheart12 says:

    i love Webkinzs their pets are so cute : )

  9. sweetheart12 says:

    i love Webkinzs

  10. chirpt says:

    anny body who wants to be my friend my user is chirpt

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