Now boarding… new Deluxe Wednesday Airport Theme items!

Turn your pet’s room into an exciting airport! Complete the look of your airport lounge with the colorful carpeted Kinz Air Flooring! Your pet will feel like they are only a short flight away from somewhere fantastic! Why walk around your airport lounge when you can ride along in comfort on the motorized Kinz Air Moving Sidewalk? Pick up a whole line of these to help your pets get to their gates on time. Stay tuned for more Airport Theme items coming in May and June! WebkinzWinged Tiger Kinz AirFlooring Kinz AirMoving Sidewalk Celebrate being a Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer with Deluxe Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, Deluxe Advantage eStore Customers can be the first to enjoy exclusive sales and Webkinz World Online Items before they are made available to anyone else! You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
DELUXE WEDNESDAY – Sunken Ocean Liner additions!

Deluxe Wednesday runs every Wednesday 12:01am to 11:59pm (EST) Read more