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July Summary

What’s going on this July? The Ruby Retriever is July’s birthstone pet, only available at the Ganz eStore. The Black & White Cat is July’s featured Caring Valley pet, and the Delicious Deciduous is July’s enchanted tree. The Spotted Frog is July’s Pet of the Month – check out the Music Video! Four new pets are available this July: the Walrus, the Tawny Pup, the Fox and the Lil’ Tomato Clownfish. July’s Signature pet is the Signature Raccoon! Six new Kinz Klips are now available!

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July Kinz Klips

The Cocker Spaniel, Dalmatian, Toco Toucan, Dolphin, Mouse and Cocoa Dino Kinz Klips will be available this July! Enter the Feature Code that comes with any Kinz Klips to gain access to the Magic of Zumwhere! The more Kinz Klip codes you enter, the better your chances to find some amazing prizes.


Kinz Klips

Kinz Klips are cute, teeny versions of your favorite Webkinz pets that you can attach to your backpack or wherever! Kinz Klips Kinz Klips will be available in stores by early April. Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn more about Kinz Klips and also keep your eyes open for information about Caring Valley Webkinz pets, also coming this April.

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