An 8000 KinzCash Shopping Spree!

It’s SO much fun to go on a shopping spree! You’re going to have a blast earning and spending 8000 KinzCash! When you finally save up that much by doing jobs, playing games and doing daily activities, the question is: what to buy? Well, one great way to spend KinzCash is on clothes. The KinzStyle Outlet has some really chic fashions – your pet will be super-stylish! The Curio Shop is another place to drop lots of KinzCash– there are some really fancy things in there sometimes, and Arte is always happy to get your business! Finally, the W Shop has tons of neat stuff to purchase. From floors to decorations, food to furniture, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for. Good luck with your earning and have fun with your spending!

13 Responses to An 8000 KinzCash Shopping Spree!

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An 8000 KinzCash Shopping Spree!

It’s SO much fun to go on a shopping spree! You’re going to have a blast earning and spending 8000 KinzCash! When you finally save up that much by doing jobs, playing games and doing daily activities, the question is: what to buy? Well, one great way to spend KinzCash is on clothes. The KinzStyle Outlet has some really chic fashions – your pet will be super-stylish!

Also, the W Shop has tons of neat stuff to purchase. From floors to decorations, food to furniture, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for. Good luck with your earning and have fun with your spending!

Haven't spent 3000 KinzCash yet? Check out our earlier tip here!

38 Responses to An 8000 KinzCash Shopping Spree!

  1. coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool says:

    hey ilovewebkinz do u have any more clothing recipes for me? by the way sweet dreams bathrobe worked! o and candypuppy i agree but i like harry potter i even have that app on my itouch but they should NOT make HP clothing u r right.

  2. budabbott says:

    I HATE HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. shootingstar11 says:

    I already have the key to kinzville it took me a month or two to complete it so keep up the good work all of you!

  4. Anonymous says:

    this didnt help me… fyi: most things the company or website says arent true ….. just think…. a free stuffed animal…. that is jank

  5. LuluNoor says:

    well i spent like to much i have like 99 thousand kc and wow i spent a lot really on the cuiro shop

  6. kyuubitail says:

    Make naruto shippuden clothes. Anybody here of naruto? I have 48 webkinz and 200000 in kinzchash.

  7. lois212 says:

    Thats a lot of money!

  8. Shadow the Hedgehog says:

    I have a Sonic club in Reminders, What are these for?

  9. sparx1117 says:

    i luv sonic but my fav iz tails

  10. Shadow the Hedgehog says:

    Lolliepops and empq, I’m Ema97. Lolliepops, you have 61 pets?! You are SO lucky! And empq, I have the same problem!I always want to save my kinzcash! I have about 151,000 now…
    PS, Anyone else a Sonic the Hedgehog fan? My faves are Shadow, Knuckles, and Tikal. I’ve only seen Tikal in my video game, SA2B, but I like her! <3 Shadow the Hedgehog.
    PPS, (Post-post script, lol) I am a girl.

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