Issues with PEEK-A-NEWZ Prizes

We are aware that some people have found Wacky 5 times and still haven't gotten their prize. If this has happened to you please follow these steps: 1. Clear your cache. 2. Disable your pop-up blocker. There are important PEEK-A-NEWZ pop-ups with activity information. It is likely that you have missed the pop-up that will award your prize. 3. Refresh your browser to Webkinz Newz and re-login to PEEK-A-NEWZ. If you have found Wacky 5 times, the prize awarding pop-up screen should display itself. Otherwise, the pop-up screen telling you to search some more will be displayed. Let us know if this has worked for you!

186 Responses to Issues with PEEK-A-NEWZ Prizes

  1. onebowlofoatmeal says:

    i found wacky 5 times, but never got the prize.

  2. amber20000 says:

    i found wacky ten times i ndid it twice
    it worked

  3. missyjan21 says:

    At first it did not work but then when I left and came back it worked. Hey when is the next challenge? :)

  4. Tinyhead says:

    Found all 5, but got message campaign not active check back later.

  5. webkinzfirefan123 says:

    It Worked I Had Issues though….
    but when u guys gave instructions it worked again!Thanks Guys

  6. Devotiongirlz says:

    I found Wacky 5 times! I gave them my email yesterday, but I haven’t gotten my code in the email Webkinz was supposed to send me. I don’t know what I can do! I need my prize. I found Wacky. :(

  7. Van4Congress says:

    It didn’t work for me, I couldn’t find the button that said “Play”. Where do you find it??? Good luck! ;)

  8. MischiefManaged says:

    When I entered the security code thing, it said it was incorrect, then the screen disappeared and I didn’t get to try again =\

  9. 172173 says:

    I found him all 5 times but I still did’nt get a prize.

  10. Brianna says:

    i found wacky 5 times yesterday, and i am STILL waiting!!!!

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