Issues with PEEK-A-NEWZ Prizes

We are aware that some people have found Wacky 5 times and still haven't gotten their prize. If this has happened to you please follow these steps: 1. Clear your cache. 2. Disable your pop-up blocker. There are important PEEK-A-NEWZ pop-ups with activity information. It is likely that you have missed the pop-up that will award your prize. 3. Refresh your browser to Webkinz Newz and re-login to PEEK-A-NEWZ. If you have found Wacky 5 times, the prize awarding pop-up screen should display itself. Otherwise, the pop-up screen telling you to search some more will be displayed. Let us know if this has worked for you!

186 Responses to Issues with PEEK-A-NEWZ Prizes

  1. AuntBeakers says:

    Found Wacky five times, put in my email and the code and received my prize in my email minutes later. Worked fine.

  2. Wacky!Waky! says:

    I got a prize!! Great game!! I would of liked maybe something more rare that could not be found in Webkinz world.

  3. Brianna says:

    I found Wacky all 5 times and just got my prize a few minutes ago.

  4. Jake says:

    i found 5 wackys and this is yesterday i was loged out when i login again the prize code was there

  5. Kathleen says:

    I found wacky man five times yesterday. Still waiting for the prize code to be sent to my email. How long does it take? Just curious. :)

  6. Lexi says:

    I have found him 3 times.

  7. Kelsey says:

    I can’t believe it didn’t work! It is so not fair! I worked so hard!

  8. jasper says:

    i never found wackey yet

  9. justtoletyouknow says:

    I found Wacky 5 times and got my code.

    I am glad it didn’t take too long.
    My whole family shares one computer ;)

  10. mybirth27 says:

    it worked just fine for me the second i found all the zingoz i went to my email and got the code im seconds after i finished

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