Recess Q&A

What is Recess?

Recess is a fun way to reward your Webkinz pets after spending some quality time at the Kinzville Academy! There are four games, each with a different set of prizes to win. When you finish Recess, you’ll receive a special bagged lunch!

How do I get Recess?

You earn Recess after 15 full days at the Kinzville Academy. A full day means that at least three classes have been attempted in a day. It does not have to be 15 consecutive days — we’ll keep count of each full day, and Recess will automatically be available when you get to 15. Don’t worry if you don’t pass the class — it still counts when you try!

How long is Recess available?

Recess is over when you finish the last game, but you’ll keep earning new Recesses every 15 full days of class. You can only have one Recess at a time, though, so you’ll miss out on any of the unfinished activities and the bagged lunch if you don’t finish your current Recess before earning a new one.

31 Responses to Recess Q&A

  1. kinzlover11 says:

    i wish they let you go to recess in more than 15 classes

  2. kitty kitty girl says:

    I am so glad they have recess

  3. Flower says:

    OMG recess is the best i got so many things

  4. Alicia says:

    recess.i only got 1 time

  5. lisa7431 says:

    its need to be EVERYDAY

  6. webkinz super fan says:

    omg i love recess

  7. Recess says:

    why can’t it be everyday i’ve only had it once!!!!

  8. kayla says:

    I think you should do it to where it’s every day after you finish all three classes.

  9. Tictac says:

    I wish Webkinz would have some way of tracking how many days are left to do before you get recess again.

  10. hi says:

    can recess be after every full day of class, not 15?

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