Webkinz World Video How-To: the Mood Widget

In this epsiode, we show you how to change your mood in My Page.

35 Responses to Webkinz World Video How-To: the Mood Widget

  1. lauren says:

    wow i love it but jojo my webkinz hes mood 0 but im 6 im getting to 1stgrade buy.

  2. unit9999 says:

    they should make animated smileys for your mood widget

  3. seaturtle LPS says:

    i didnt know that! I need to see more of these! it’s as handy as the kinzville acadamy. LOL! ;)

  4. karcraw says:

    I will leave My silky a treat on there!!!

  5. Sarah.P says:


  6. Ooh, wow says:

    AWESOME!!! Now my pets can be happy every day of thier lifes. :-D

  7. LOL SAYS THIS: says:

    I knew that.

  8. kk says:

    this is awesome so much awesome

  9. kelli says:

    so cool i would love to change my mood

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