While they may not have Rudolph’s red nose, these Reindeer are every bit as special. Reindeer are gentle, kind friends and would do very well in a big family with lots of other Webkinz. Want to delight your dearest deer? Just pick up a pot of Spiky Sedge Soup!

14 Responses to Reindeer
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I got one for Christmas a while back and named him James Fig because I couldn’t choose between the two names
I got mine named Rudolph. Funny idea! Have a clown nose? Have a reindeer? Put them together and you have a red nosed reindeer! :)
I’m not sure how many people named this pet Rudolph, but my brother is one of them.
I have this pet! I believe I got him at the mall. I named him Rudolf, after the red-nosed reindeer. However, the red-nosed reindeer’s name is spelled Rudolph, so the error always bothers me (nowadays, I can’t stand incorrect spelling or grammar).
I plan on naming mine Mistletoe. Couldn’t think of anything else.
I’ve had one of these for months, but I couldn’t adopt him because I couldn’t find a name for him. I liked the names Donner and Blitzen, but I wanted something different if possible. I finally decided to name him Radulfus after Abbot Radulfus from Ellis Peters’ Cadfael series. My Reindeer even has a tonsure! (The little spot of white fur in-between his antlers looks like a tonsure.) :)
Good name.
Thank you, migrubbs! :) I also found two other Reindeer at Hallmark (and will be adopting them today). I’m naming one Heribert after Abbot Heribert from Cadfael (he was Radulfus’ predecessor) and the other one Robert after Prior Robert also from Cadfael (he REALLY wanted to be abbot).
Mine is named Clarice! She’s more boisterous than the one in Rudolph, though. She’s kind of athletic, but she prefers to act as a sports announcer. (I guess she could be considered an early version of Blossom, my vivacious Guinea Pig. :P)
i have too comet, and fireball
I named my reindeer Comet, too!
So is mine!
I have one named Blizzard! Really awesome pet!
I changed his name to Rudolph.