New Clothing Recipes!

Big news from PJ Collie – there are now four brand new pieces of designer clothes that you can create with the Clothing Machine! But how in Webkinz World do you make a Speedster Cap? Or an Emerald Ski Jacket? What about Rad Rainbow Overalls? And Feather Light Shoes? Time for you to pick up some clothes from the KinzStyle Outlet and try to find the winning combination on the Clothing Machine!

1,148 Responses to New Clothing Recipes!

  1. luka says:

    i have been playing violin sence i was 5 or 6

  2. FallGirl88 says:

    I play piano and guitar. Piano is fun to play. I can just sit down and play for a long time.


    WHY ARE YOU NOT POSTING AT THE HP AND SW CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡??????????????????????????????????????????????????? WEA ALL MISS YOU! TYPE IN BUILD YOUR OWN MAZE! ACK! PLEASE COME BACK, I IS NOT THE SMAE WITHOUT YOU! ! ! ! NOT ONE BIT! IT IS NEGGATIVE FUN WHEN YOU ARE NOT THERE!! ACK! ACK! ACK!

  4. luka says:

    WOW yesterday we came back from piano class and there was a COW crossing the road !!!!!!

    • Lollipops says:

      Lol. Do you take piano? I do and so does my brother!! I enjoy it a lot.
      There was one time me and my grandmother were going on a shoping spree, and we were driving down the road, when we saw the most weirdest thing on the side of the road: A wild hog!! It was black, small, and hairy, and it looked angry. It even started to charge at OUR car!! Lol.

  5. FallGirl88 says:

    Haha I don’t mind. Usually they’re people I barely talk to so it doesn’t matter that much. The only people that would matter if I deleted and they said no would be my closest friends but they know my username pretty well by now so it probably would never be a problem.

  6. FallGirl88 says:

    Okey dokey. That happens to me a lot. The only difference is that people always say no or block me when I send the request again. Argh oh well.

  7. Lollipops says:

    NO NO NO NO NO NO N O!!!!!!!! SOMEONE COPIED ME!! (not here) I was sharing things about clubs and where some of our clubs are and I forgot one, so another person came, copied my username, and replied! I HATE being copied!!!

  8. FallGirl88 says:

    I’m 684camp on webkinz. Bookworm, who are you? AWLkoala? I saw that somebody was online one minute, I logged out then back in and there was a request. I said yes and then it was added to my list.

    • Bookworm says:

      Yes, I am. As I said before, I was deleting my friends who don’t do webkinz anymore and accidentally deleted you. That’s why I sent another request.

  9. Super candy says:

    I know this has nothing to do with clothes but send me poncho out fit or webkinz blue jeans or deer antlers and i’ll send you 3 super beds send me three of the items and i’ll send you 10 super beds(i’ll send you three the first day 3 the second 3 the third day and 1 yhe last day) the super beds are all different. My user it tourtyt.

  10. Bookworm says:

    I was cleaning out my friends list and deleting my friends who don’t do webkinz anymore, and I accidentally deleted you, Fallgirl88. That’s why I sent you another request.

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