Big news from PJ Collie – there are now four brand new pieces of designer clothes that you can create with the Clothing Machine! But how in Webkinz World do you make a Speedster Cap? Or an Emerald Ski Jacket? What about Rad Rainbow Overalls? And Feather Light Shoes? Time for you to pick up some clothes from the KinzStyle Outlet and try to find the winning combination on the Clothing Machine!
New Clothing Recipes!
1,148 Responses to New Clothing Recipes!
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I HAVE A JOCK TO TELL YOU HERE IT IS ok so if you have a phone you know that if your not there it leaves a voce message right well you can make your own voice message if your not there and if you do make it like hello hello are you there hello and the person will think your really there ha ha ha classic
Lol! Nice!
ok i have something to tell you I LOVE FAT CATS there so cute and chubby ow no fall girl some of your randomness rubbed of on me no i am random PIY PIY PIY no CATS FAT ONES no i must stop aaaaaaaaaaa BGD
ok i have something to tell you I LOVE FAT CATS there so cute and chubby ow no fall girl some of your randomness rubbed of on me no i am random PIY PIY PIY no CATS FAT ONES no i must stop aaaaaaaaaaa
harry potter Jr whats wrong are you ok i hope so to day i have to stay hope all day blah i am so nerves in a copal of days i am doing a Frisbee competition my teem is really good am to but some of the boys on my teem are really bad at running and throwing a frisbee and caching them wile having someone blocking you it dose take about 2 years of practice so i dont blame them
ya y is no one commenting come on comment come on do yall have the free bunny yet i have mine i named it fallgirl after you fallgirl and i have a owl named harry potter after you harry potter Jr and if you see a tiy diy pup named done dresst in a pink shirt pance with holes in them and 3-d glasses with purple shows on in the dinner theme room dark blew zone its me i love to chat with you lol i am going to post allot here so people have something to reed
How come? Hey, it still has me logged in! Grrrrr
You would think people would comment here more…
I know. *cry* *cry* I am very very very sad in real life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I love the Lego games. Lego Star Wars was the most fun but it was the hardest from the three games we have. We only have the 2nd Star Wars game and only recently did I get 100% on it. Lego Batman was the funniest to me it was definitely my second favorite. And Lego Indiana Jones was kinda ~ eh. I still haven’t beaten that one but I don’t really play PS2/3 anymore. The Pirates of the Caribbean game will most likely come out with the new movie. I really want to see it.
Ahhhh… so sick and I hate my cough. BTW I won’t be here tomorow or the next day OR Sunday morning\afternoon. :( But I’m really happy with the adoption of My Sugarplum Cheeky Monkey (Courtney) And Hop Bunny (Riley, girl) !!!
Congratulations on your adoptions! I had a bad cold last week, and it was terrible. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon!
Tha *Cough* nks. I have a small amount of free time now so I’ll be here for less than an our and I’ll need to go ’cause I have company coming to stay for 2 nights. So yeah.
Wow sorry Luka, I JUST got your trading message. I can’t get on WW anymore tonight. Pretty much once my dad is home, I stay off of video games except for my DS. Right now I’m trying to get my Lego pirates to earn lots of monies $$ Lol Anyways, I’m allowed to check WKN but not go on Webkinz or play any computer games.
Hey Fallgirl did you hear that Lego is making Pirates of the caribeen DS game? Its sopost to becoming out in the summer some time. Personaly I think it looks weird. But its only the trailer…though…I prefer Lego Star Wars the complete saga.