Big news from PJ Collie – there are now four brand new pieces of designer clothes that you can create with the Clothing Machine! But how in Webkinz World do you make a Speedster Cap? Or an Emerald Ski Jacket? What about Rad Rainbow Overalls? And Feather Light Shoes? Time for you to pick up some clothes from the KinzStyle Outlet and try to find the winning combination on the Clothing Machine!
New Clothing Recipes!
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About the voice mail thing, I am sooooo gonna d it. My mom and dad made our v oice mail and it’s the regular, ” I am not here right now, you know what to do!”
Lol. Sounds fun? Uhhhh….hmm….never been to boyscouts so I have no idea =) Go go Mr. Green! :mrgreen: Yays!
my brothers have boy scouts today and i really do not want to go
Yeah, it really is. We’ve been following the story ever since it happened.
Wow, just looked at pics of the Tsunami & Earthquake in Japan at Yahoo. Its so sad. .’(
Well, we’ve never watched DBZ Kai but we learned about it not too long ago. We watch the old ones. I think my favorite character is 18. My dad likes 16 cause he’s so strange. My dad met the guy that does the voice for Vegeta (who also does Piccolo and some others). I like the Kais too though. My favorite Kai is the one that “taught” Gohan how to be stronger on the Planet of the Kais while he was reading magazines and stuff lol. We’re into GT but my dad doesn’t want to watch it because he said it’s not as good as dbz. Who knows…I think it’s fine lol.
coooooooool u like dragon ball z kai i love that show i watch it everyday cool my favorite characters are fageta goku gohan pikalow and bulmas
i know its a funny jock i did it on some one thay were like are you there can you here me ha funny and i have know idea whom music lover 2 is wired
Lol who is i’m a music lover 2? It is definitely not me so don’t get any ideas. That joke is awesome. I’ve already decided (years ago) that when I have my own phone, that’s what I’m doing. In the 2nd season of Dragon Ball Z, Master Roshi did that for his phone and when Bulma tried to call him from the planet Namek, she had to go through it. It was really funny and I guarantee none of you know what I’m talking about =) Stinks to be you!