New Clothing Recipes!

Big news from PJ Collie – there are now four brand new pieces of designer clothes that you can create with the Clothing Machine! But how in Webkinz World do you make a Speedster Cap? Or an Emerald Ski Jacket? What about Rad Rainbow Overalls? And Feather Light Shoes? Time for you to pick up some clothes from the KinzStyle Outlet and try to find the winning combination on the Clothing Machine!

1,148 Responses to New Clothing Recipes!

  1. OwlEars says:

    HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE BEING SICK FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Sorry about that! I just had to do all caps lock ;) But anyway, I’m not sick anymore! Yay!)
    Has anyone discovered any new clothing recipes yet? It would be really AWESOME if we discovered the recipes! :0 :O
    OwlEars status update: Happy, NOT SICK, ecstactic, and celebrating her new Hopping Bunny!

  2. 684camp says:

    Hey!!!! It cut out a ton of my comment. Well, it was aimed towards ? and I guess it got a good point down. Oh well.

  3. 684camp says:

    Plain facts, my friend. Leaders are supposed to be smart and have good strategies.

  4. FallGirl88 says:

    Lol Badtzmaru =) Mr. Green is awesome…so is happily evil dude…he is sooooooooo me! 8)

  5. Harry Potter jr says:

    It won’t let me post the details about, trust me, I’ve tried.

  6. BadtzMaru says:


    I have to use character map on my laptop cuz the alt key thingy trick doesnt work on it.

  7. FallGirl88 says:

    Oh, why of course not! I knew you didn’t leave. I was just disappointed that the man behind it all wasn’t showing his face around here.

  8. ? says:


  9. FallGirl88 says:

    Is there a mr blue? Or red? Hmmmm… :mrblue: :mrred: How did mudstar figure it out?!

  10. music lover 101 says:

    ya do it its so funny when you here it the person is like hello what are you there

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