New Clothing Recipes!

Big news from PJ Collie – there are now four brand new pieces of designer clothes that you can create with the Clothing Machine! But how in Webkinz World do you make a Speedster Cap? Or an Emerald Ski Jacket? What about Rad Rainbow Overalls? And Feather Light Shoes? Time for you to pick up some clothes from the KinzStyle Outlet and try to find the winning combination on the Clothing Machine!

1,148 Responses to New Clothing Recipes!

  1. FallGirl88 says:

    Sorry, I got sidetracked. I will send it when my friends leave (there’s millions of them I tell yah ugh). I promise I will though lol.

  2. Bookworm says:

    Does anyone have the fire costume shoes for trade? I missed them yesterday. Thanks!

  3. FallGirl88 says:

    Bonjour people!

  4. FallGirl88 says:

    Posting to see the comments :roll:

  5. Bookworm says:

    Hello, everyone. Just posting to see the newest comments.

  6. music lover 101 says:

    does any one still post here

  7. MUSIC LOVER 101 says:


  8. music lover 101 says:

    um i was sick all day today so i had a bad weekend i want a lemen bar so bad but i am to sick to have one ya ya ya whatever dad

  9. FallGirl88 says:

    Mine was fine; I mean great. Kinda. Well, if you consider thunderstorms all day a great thing, then it was great =)

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