Paws for Caring

Webkinz Jr. is all about being kind to others, and that's why we're so excited to announce our latest addition to the Caring Center: Paws for Caring! Paws for Caring is a series of animated episodes that demonstrate positive character traits; kindness, sharing, caring, understanding, listening, being careful, and many more. We know you'll love to see all your favorite Webkinz Jr. characters learning about being the best friends they can be. Tune in every day to see a different episode!

3 Responses to Paws for Caring


    What is with webkinz jr. ???? : -()

  2. SYNASTER REV says:

    i don’t like “WEBKINZ JR.” i don’t like the idea.

  3. angel says:

    awwwwwww i did not know webkinz j.r was that cute

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