Webkinz World Video How-To: Survey Room

The Survey Room was recently added to the KinzChat PLUS portion of the Clubhouse. Visit the Survey Room to vote on a variety of topics and find out what other Webkinz World members are thinking!

67 Responses to Webkinz World Video How-To: Survey Room

  1. Snake5778 says:

    I think they should give out money for the survey i really like doing that so I’d earn a lot of money and then i could buy more awesome stuff PEACE

  2. vs001 says:

    You make cool things for the clubhouse!

  3. nevagaga says:

    really cool! i’m going to do that sometime

  4. MacKenzie says:

    wow!! it looks so cool. to bad i never got to try it. sssvert8 2010

  5. Allen says:

    cool 100 times!!!!!!!

  6. leanne says:

    it’s not my fav.it would be really awsome if you can get a prize if the 1 you pick has the highest votes that would be like REALLLY AWWWWSOME!

  7. 17roomperson says:

    looked and it was not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if ANYONE knows why PLESE leave a coment.

  8. 17roomperson says:

    never ben to kinz chat plus before and NEVER ben to that room! ges i will go now.

  9. diana says:

    it looks like a fun room

  10. tailor says:

    mine is not there for some reason

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