As is often the tradition around this time of year, we've taken a look back at all that's happened over the year past, and we thought we'd share our reflections. Here's are some of the highlights that defined Webkinz World, Webkinz Newz, and the Ganz eStore in 2009:
The Zumbuddies came to Webkinz World, giving players the ability to visit the beautiful land of Zumwhere.
The Caring Valley, where players can plant saplings to help Webkinz Foundation contribute to charitable causes, opened.
Deluxe Membership was introduced, giving players another way to stay active in Webkinz World with exclusive items. It was also later expanded to allow the gifting of Deluxe Memberships.
- Signature Pets, a line of special, more luxurious pets with additional prizes, were launched.
Those are just a few of the big stories for the year. More top stories from the year and a sneak peek of what's to come in 2010 follow after the break. Here are some of the other big stories from the year:
New Pet Rooms were introduced, including the Tree Top Yard.
Weather and time of day effects were added to Webkinz World.
New Clubhouse rooms were introduced, including the Super Chef Room and the Survey Room.
Doug the Dog returned and began collecting gems from players.
The large playground Kinzville Park opened, and Mr. Moo moved in to sell some delicious ice cream.
A ton of new items were added, including the Mega Stove which lets members mix up to five items to find Mega Recipes!
Various interface improvements were made, including updates to Dress My Pet and My Page.
Kinz Style Outlet, a clothing store complete with a clothing-making machine, opened.
The Kinzville Academy got a break from its studies with the addition of Recess.
A bunch of new mini-games were released, including Bamboo Break, Webkinz Rally, Eager Beaver Adventure Park, and Polarberry Jam for the Arcade, Super Modelz for the Arena, and Prize Klaw and Jumbleberry Fields for the list of Daily Activities.
The Music Starz showcase was introduced to showcase our awesome new Pet Of The Month music videos.
Webkinz Newz expanded with more stories and the ability to leave comments, helping us to connect directly with you and powering new features like Feedback Fridays and the Comment Forum.
The eStore enjoyed a great year full of some awesome sales, new items, the introduction of Birthstone Pets, and the new Value Pack bundles.
The Magical Forest was improved with new activities, including Pixie Pod Pachenco.
The translation of the entire world of Webkinz began, making the game available to play in 14 different languages.
- And, last but certainly not least, Webkinz Jr., a site built to bring younger players the fun of Webkinz, was launched and continuously updated with exciting new content over the year.
While 2009 was an award-winning year for us, 2010 will be even bigger. 2010 will mark the fifth anniversary for Webkinz, and we've got some really big plans for the year ahead. We've got new games, new items, and new in-game locations. There will also be many new eStore items and plenty of Webkinz Newz content and contents, as well. Best of all, we'll have one of the biggest updates ever in the site's history coming in the new year. This huge addition will launch alongside a bunch of brand new plush that will greatly expand the roster of cute critters in Webkinz World. A slew of surprises await for those who join us in our journey into 2010 and beyond! As always, stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for all the latest information about the game and previews of what's to come, visit the Ganz eStore for great new items and exclusive sales, and, of course, dive right into Webkinz World and enjoy the game! We'll see you next year!
You are AWESOME Moonstar!!! ~IceWolf* = )
P.S. Moonstar, what is your Webkinz World username? I can add you! Mine is: dogcat7980
Anyone can add me if they wanna!!!
My username is 1000Silverstar. I’ll make sure I add you.
Hey Dawnstar ( and Please, please. . . , Webkinzgilr78 and others. ), I am not going to be on for a little bittoday. Um, I ill be back on full power after Tuesday, when I am in California again. Can you spread that news around for me? -Moonstar◘◘◘
Hi MoonStar! I’m so glad to see you are commenting! my username: REDLEAH (all caps)
Anyone who wants to add me can add me. My username is hiteg, no capitals.-Webkinzgirl78
I am so happy that Moonstar is back I have always admired her!
Hey, Moonstar, you said that you wanted to talk to me here, right? What’s on your mind? -*Dawnstar*
Oh wow! Thanks guys.
Ok, so I need you to know when it is actually me. What could strengthen me ( and by that I mean not have to go into the shadows again. ) is people knowing when it is me commenting. I’ll post again later, I just remembered something. -Moonstar◘◘◘
P.S. Something that broke my heart was that someone posted as me, then in their signature put Moonstarh8r. Huh.
Thanks guys, you have no idea how much I appreciate this! You guys really helped me and are the only reason I am coming back!
Ok, so what I wanted to say was, there are still copiers out there, showing no signs of giving up. What will strengthen me ( and by that I mean what will help me not get copied ) is people knowing when it is me. Even if only you guys know, people will start to pick up. If enough people start knowing when I am commenting, and not believing copiers to be me, the copiers will stop. I’ll be back later. -Moonstar◘◘◘
Oops! Wrote that twice! -Moonstar◘◘◘
Yay! Hi Moonstar, your back! :D See you later! ~Luv From LillyLuvie* :D
yeah moonstar, you’re one of the best posters here! (By that I do mean WKN commenter’s.)
I miss Moonstar so much. I am a huge fan of her and I really hope she sees this so she comes back. I always remember seeing a new post from Webkinz and then somewhere in the beginning of the comments there would be a comment from Moonstar. Moonstar if you happen to ever read this then please come back!!!! People miss you a lot you were one of the most popular commenters on WKN and I’m sure almost everyone on here looks up to you. Please come back. :(-Webkinzgirl78
This is my “Tribute to Moonstar” page. I must admit that I idolized her. She posted first time, every time on all the WKN comment fourms, but she has now announced that she has retired. I only wish that I could have done more to help her.
To Moonstar- If you are reading this, I want you to know that what you have done here has touched the lives of thousands. There are Moonstar wanna-be’s. They aren’t copying your name to hurt you. How many little kids do you think call themselves Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber? They idiolize you and want to be like you. I say this from the depths of my heart: Moonstar, I really don’t want you to go. In the short time I have posted, I have come to be a BIG fan of you. There are probably hundreds more that agree with me.
To Moonstar’s Fans- We must not abandon all hope in Moonstar. We must type our comments as though she is still on WKN, for she may be. Comment below me, telling what Moonstar means to you.If Moonstar sees a full page of her fans, she may come back.
Thank you, Webkinzgirl78 and Pleasepleasepleaseplease for commenting. Moonstar is coming back! -*Dawnstar*
I thought i saw Moonstar commenting today. I’m so glad she came back!!!!!!! :D- Webkinzgirl78
Yes. I am pretty sure it was her that was posting comments today. So I am glad to hear that she is back!
We missed you Moonstar!! I’ll see her in Webkinz World because she is my friend and I’ll ask her if she is
coming back for sure. Thanks! ~Luv From LillyLuvie* :)
Moonstar is fearless. She is a perfect example of good citizenship, forgiveness, and creativity. I always wished I could be like her. Moonstar is kind, caring, clever, and more. I am glad she is back (:
WOW! That is a lot of things that Webkinz has done. Well done, Webkinz! Keep going with those awesome ideas! Yay! :)
i wish i could
I can’t find out how to find “my pets” so I can choose which 1 to play with. Help!