Haunted Castle Room Theme


The Haunted Castle, this year’s brand new Halloween room theme, arrives in the W-Shop October 1st! You’ll want to grab this theme before it’s removed October 31st, because you never know what will be returning next Halloween… and what will be gone for good!



The Haunted Castle is meant to work with the existing rare Medieval theme that you can find in the Curio Shop. Mix these two themes together to create the ultimate Haunted Castle for your pets:



What’s your favorite Haunted Castle item? Let us know by leaving a comment in the section below…



42 Responses to Haunted Castle Room Theme

  1. 1013mom says:

    Hi Dolphinlover55… I sent you a friend request under , I would also love to get the three Deluxe pieces. Would it be too forward to ask you to send them to me as well? I have never had luck in the trading room.

  2. Dalmationpika2 says:

    i was hoping no deluxe only items this time the limited time themes at christmas and halloween should have all pieces available to everyone and not have to buy deluxe membership now im gonna miss out on the fireplace and the bookshelf and the throne which were the 3 i was really looking forward to

  3. dah25802 says:

    It is October 3 and I do not see this theme in the Wshop to buy?????

  4. pinkJess says:

    My favorite item within the Haunted Castle theme is the Throne. Gee, it was a bit of a challenge to choose only one item. Creative Team, each item in this theme is “hauntingly” amazing! Webkinz World is too!!!

  5. butrym5 says:

    I like all the items to this theme. Even though it is an existing one I think for Halloween they could of been more along the colors of black and purple to keep it more haunted castle like and changed up a little bit. Also, I think that all Webkinz players should be allowed to use their Kinzcash to purchase said items for a room. I don’t think it fair that you have to pay for every item to decorate a room. I am not allowed to purchase estore points and the prices of items for the rooms are ridiculously high. I love playing on Webkinz, but its not fun when you cant “afford” to decorate something so simple as a room. And its always the same old items at the curio shop. Change it up with some room themes that players can’t purchase. Thank you.

  6. Dolphinlover55 says:

    I’ll send deluxe castle items to anyone who wants them! Just tell me your username and what you want! I’ll try and send them to you as soon as possible :) My username is mistmantle5504 :D

  7. alucard says:

    Love the new Haunted Castle Room Theme. Do NOT like the fact that the fireplace, throne, and bookshelf are Deluxe!!! Really? Why do you do this? Can’t we just have all the Holiday Room Themes be for EVERYBODY? Be fair, Webkinz!

  8. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Awww maann, the fireplace, bookshelf, and throne are all Deluxe.. =C It’s a cool theme and I really like it, but why did ya have to go and make all the best items Deluxe?

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