Quiz: What is your ultimate adventure?







Take the quiz and find out what your ultimate adventure might be!


Your favorite animal is a(n):
a) Elephant
b) Chinchilla
c) Sheep
d) Polar bear


Your favorite season is:

a)      Summer

b)      Fall

c)       Spring

d)      Winter



Your favorite flavor of gum is:
a) Strawberry
b) Grape
c) Traditional bubblegum!
d) Peppermint


Your favorite kind of day is:
a) Bright and sunny
b) Rainy – and throw in a thunderstorm for good measure!
c) Cool and cloudy
d) Snowy and cold

If someone offered you part of their snack, and it was a food you had never seen before, you’d likely say:
a) “Looks delish! Sure, I’ll have some!”
b)  “Maybe just a little bite.”
c) “Uh, thanks but no thanks.”
d) “I’ll eat anything you don’t want. And anything you do want. Hey, I’ll eat anything!”

Your favorite gemstone is:
a) Diamond
b) Ruby
c) Sapphire
d) Topaz


Which one would you be most likely to try?

a)      Hiking up a mountain

b)      Riding a unicycle

c)       Performing in front of an audience

d)      Sky diving



If you got mostly A’s – You’ve got an adventurous spirit! You love to travel and visit new places. You’re not afraid to learn about new things and you’re willing to give everything a try – at least once! A great adventure for you would be visiting a new city and experiencing a new culture – and some tasty new foods!


If you got mostly B’s – Your idea of adventure is a little tamer than most – but that’s OK! There’s an adventurous spirit deep inside you – it just needs a little push! The best adventure for you might be to go camping with friends or family.


If you got mostly C’s – You definitely aren’t a huge fan of adventure – not in the traditional sense, anyway. Maybe you’re adventurous in your reading selections, or your choice of clothing or restaurants. Start small with an adventure in your own city – explore an area you’ve never been before, or visit a new museum or gallery.


If you got mostly D’s – Adventure is your middle name! You’re not afraid of anything – and you have the scars to prove it! You’re always the first one leading the charge – you’ll be the one to discover a new civilization or a brand new planet. No matter where you go, adventure is sure to follow. And if there is no adventure to be found – you’ll create one!

57 Responses to Quiz: What is your ultimate adventure?

  1. sharky says:

    hey i am a d person and yeah so this is cool

  2. kitkat says:

    i got B’s i guess i am the quiet one :]

  3. owl city fan says:

    Almost all A’s for me. So, I’m an adventurous spirit, and rightfully so, because I love the great outdoors!

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