MAZIN’™ Hamsters – “Fantastic First Flags” Maze Set Returns!





If you missed your chance to earn a Fantastic Flags trophy, or you were just looking for a classic challenge, it’s truly time to Go MAZIN’!


The six mazes in this set (2 easy, 2 medium, and 2 hard) have all had some renovations to make them more fun, so even if you’ve been through them before, you should take another tour and see what’s new!


This was our first ever “Find the Flag” maze set that appeared when we launched almost 1 year ago, so take a stroll down memory lane in the Mazes section and start searching around Fantastic First Flags today!






78 Responses to MAZIN’™ Hamsters – “Fantastic First Flags” Maze Set Returns!

  1. nihao9 says:

    I have all the hamsters, so I will be playing all day long! Your Friend nihao9!! :) :) :) Note: I’m Flowerkat9 so plz friend me!

  2. Orange Starburst says:

    I LUV WEBKINZ!!!!!!!!!!!! . *Your friend Orange Starburst,*

  3. vasilisa says:

    i love Webkinz

  4. Sparkly says:

    I have a Mazin’ Hamster. Can’t get it to work. :-] Come on. I want to play with willow. FRIEND ME!! My username is SparklyFeet6.

  5. smsmo says:

    i got 1 mazinHamsTer

  6. iluvpb2 says:

    It’s too bad I can’t get MAZIN’ Hamsters because I love them. :-(

  7. Avid Newz Reader says:

    Wouldn’t it be cool if in each place to go(The Lagoon, Mountain, and Forest) there was a 100 mazin moolah coin that would be really hard to find, but would be SO cool to have? I mean SERIOUSLY! Who thinks that would be SO cool? Relpy Back!
    -Avid Newz Reader

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