Webkinz Costume: Queen

What you need:

Yellow or gold cardstock (or gold paint), stapler, stick on jewels, felt,  ribbon, craft glue, scissors.

What you do:

  1. Cut out a crown shape from the cardstock. Staple it into a circle shape. Glue on jewels and let it dry (if you have gold paint, paint your crown).
  2. Fold your felt like a hamburger fold. Cut out a circle along the centre of the fold. Put your pet’s head through the circle and use the ribbon to cinch the dress around your pet’s waist. If you want, remove the dress and add jewels (when the glue is dry, put the dress back onto your pet).
  3. Cut another piece of felt in half. Attach a piece of  ribbon to the top of it. This is your queen’s cape.

Your pet is ready to rule!

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