Learn how to Draw a Rabbit!

35 Responses to Learn how to Draw a Rabbit!

  1. PrincessLunaIsDaBomb says:

    I have 2 Lil’Kinz Rabbits, named Ivy and Stella. :D
    The fun has been doubled,

  2. Cinderpelt says:

    Woah… LOL I love my bunny! She’s named Button (weird, huh?), but too bad they look bad in clothing ;) (just my opinion!)
    Oh my gawsh! PHN, my first pet was a beagle, too! I named her cookie (I was six then). My second was a pinto horse named jewel (STILL six, that’s why the named aren’t caps like Jewel), then I think the bunny was like my 14th? I have 28 soon to be 29 since I’m adopting a reindeer on Dec. 1st! Jitterbug, that’s not a weird name. It’s adorable!


  3. Goldie says:

    I draw ed that picture and my family loved it so now i will go all around here to draw some more.

  4. petercat4 says:

    Webkinz should have a mini news show series, that would be cool. but the husky is cute. with snowflakes on ‘im. luv it!

  5. petercat4 says:

    I “tried” to draw this rabbit and I ended up free-handing it. Not a good idea. It ended up looking like a bunch of circles with scribbles on them. And I used a pen (big mistake) so I couldn’t erase the lines. So I am going to redraw this, using a pencil, on a flat surface, (didn’t do that first time) and I will follow the instructions. Turns out those really help! : D : )


  6. catluv says:

    My sis really wants one of these. I guess they’re ok. I’m more of a cat person, you know?

  7. Serene says:

    It is so cute :!: I just drew it, and I think it turned out great!
    Have A Great Day :!: -Serene :mrgreen:

  8. oldwooffie says:

    Coolio! Cute! ect.

    Friend me on Webkinz if you want- My username- oldwooffie

  9. mangomonster says:

    Cute bunny hey SwedishLatte i think your cool want to be friends on WW?

  10. LemonCandy etc. says:

    Aww! i have the rabbit her name is Fluffy although she is not very fluffy! :lol: it looks easy enough to draw! thanks GANZ!!

    • PikachuHazelNut says:

      I know of a pokemon named Hoppip, and I liked that name so I wanted to name my bunny that (she was my second webkinz!) but I got it wrong and named her Hoppit. But I love hoppit so much better. It does look easy to draw but step 5 looks weird LOL!

      • Kodiak...just to say... says:

        This doesn’t really work, I mean, look at the difference between step 5 and step 6. The best bet would be to make 2 circles instead of an oval.

      • LemonCandy etc. says:

        oh i like the name Hoppit!! it is so cute! my bunny was my forth pet, my first was the gold and white cat(Lemon) and then the pink and white cat(Candy) and then the pug(Silverado, after my Gramma’s pug) and so on.

        • PikachuHazelNut says:

          My first pet was the beagle! I named her Starly!

          • Jitterbug says:

            My first pet was a reindeer, six bucks on sale named Loopy (weird i know but anyway), 2nd Jessie spotted frog, on sale at a going out of business sale and the only type left. I didn’t get any normal pets for a while. Kay did anybody notice birthstone and zodiac are back at Estore? Too bad i don’t have points, i’d love the aquamarine puppy, (already have opal pup named daisy cuz she’s the october one and i was born in Oct.).

          • LemonCandy etc. says:

            totally cool, PHN! and Jitterbug, Loopy isn’t a weird name!! it’s actually cute! and yeah i noticed they have them. i don’t have eStore though but i wish i did! i really want a zodiac pet for my birth month. and i want the pearl pup the opal pup and the sapphire pup!! i think the sapphire is my stone.

          • sarahandlacey says:

            My 1st pet was a frog. I named it lacey! My 2nd was a black cat named macey! I have more, but that would take awhile! :mrgreen:

          • Cousin team...typed by Northwestern says:

            Our first pet was a lil’ white terrier named Bree. She’s spoiled. She’s our only pet with a TV and a bathroom section in her room. She pretty much with what she has could stay there all day and be happy, but we don’t make her stay there

          • LemonCandy etc. says:

            Lacey and Macey! very interesting!! ;)

          • StarFire says:

            I have a rabbit on webkinz! :D

          • petercat4 says:

            My 1st pet was a love frog. I named her Fern (???) Then I got a panda and named it purple Panda (again ???) But then that account expired and I got a new one. So my 1st pet on that account was a Siamese named Turquoise. And my 2nd pet on that account was that green lil kinz bird. I named limeade because it is lime green. And then, (by accident, i swear!) I traded Limeade’s PSI. So if any of you have a budgie PSI please tell me! Thanks, ♥petercat4♥

        • Wittgirl23 says:

          Cool my first pet was a persian cat and i named her pinky though she is all white my second was either a black and white cat (Angel) or a black cat (Kitty) I have got so many I guess i lost track

        • The Anonymous Commenter says:

          My first Webkinz was the lil kinz bunny…. and now I have over 35! ;~)

          ~Peace, love, and happiness!

    • Crazy gal/unknown says:

      I have a rabbit, too! i think she’s cute!!

      Crazy gal

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