Take Swimming Lessons! Only on Webkinz Newz!


Needless to say, the Beaver Kit is a superb swimmer, which is why it has helped to create an awesome aquatic center at the camp.


Every day from July 12 to 25, come here to Webkinz Newz for a swimming lesson. For visiting the aquatic center, you’ll receive a random piece of Campkinz Scuba gear every day.


Here’s how it works:


Come to this page on Webkinz Newz every day between July 12 and 25. Click on the Beaver Kit in the image above to have a giftbox added to your Webkinz account. When you log into Webkinz World, drag the box into your pet’s room to have one of the following items added to your Dock. Stay safe in the water!

150 Responses to Take Swimming Lessons! Only on Webkinz Newz!

  1. gingerdare says:

    I played everyday and still din’t end up with any of the shorts. Oh well, at least I’ve got multiples of everything else.

  2. frozenanna2 says:

    If any of you guys need anything let me know! Username, frozenanna2

  3. frozenanna2 says:

    Hey Unicornluv, if you see this message, if you need any Scuba Gear i have the Shirt, and the Goggles. If you need any of that i will be happy to send it to you. For free! You’re friend, Frozenanna2.

  4. schuckersd says:

    how long are they having the scuba i got another shirt i got only 1 pair of shorts and no goggles at all why is it set up this way

  5. bonesbongo says:

    BONUS this is great. Thank you! :-)

  6. Marius8853 says:

    Thanks for extending the date on this.

  7. MARYKD2 says:

    Why are we still able to get the giftbox?

  8. schuckersd says:

    if anyone has extra pair of goggles can need a pair. you would think you get at least 1 of everything.i can trade or send you a coin

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