Baby Showcase #18

Happy Friday! We celebrated today by having a spark party, so you’ll see the babies that we made in today’s showcase. (Thanks to donkeyhooves for the idea!)

This yorkie’s coloring is so unusual! It’s not in your face, but it’s just that little bit different. I love that the ears and feet match, and there’s almost a pink glow to the back patch! Very cute.

I only recently became aware of these popcorn patterns from my own little Hygge, but I just love it! The pet patch on this one is actually an ice cream cone but it almost looks like popcorn from this angle. The eyes are just gorgeous and I love those swirls on its chest.

The pink back spot is so cute! This is a very valentine-y pet, with the soft pink color and the hearts. Just lovely!

Aww, my first baby sparked in the spark party today. I love the very faint teal striping effect, the pattern on the chest, and of course the bit of rainbow. I named this one Donkeyhooves!

Can you believe it? I got a Super Rare baby! I loved how opalescent this baby turned out, so obviously I named them Opal! Those eyes are just beautiful.

Spoiler alert — I didn’t get the green cat I was hoping for… or any cat at all! But how can I be disappointed when I have this beautiful set of triplet rhinos?! This one has such beautiful eyes and so many waves… I named them Waves!

Dorothy sparked next and she got this cutie! I just love the back pattern and those are some intense blue eyes!

Dorothy’s next baby was a cute little bunny with the Eastery colors I love so much! The combination of the blue lime body with the rainbow ears is the best!

I’m so envious! I love, love, LOVE the tabby striping on this color of bunny. It’s so cute! It has the same eye patch as the previous bunny — best set of bunny twins ever.

While I naturally love the green and blue body, this pink and purple is also very nice! The candy cane is a cute touch, too.

This elephant has just the most beautiful eyes, and the tiger stripes are subtle but add quite a bit of visual interest. The rainbow tail is a nice splash of color, too!

Mandy’s first baby from today’s spark party is a beautiful pink giraffe! I just love that lightning patch, and the rainbow leg flair and red feet are just fantastic! Look at those baby blue eyes!

Mandy’s second baby has mostly standard traits, but it has a cute pair of skates on its tush and of course I love the rhino horn on everything!

Mandy’s last baby has the cutest little pink hands! I love how the rainbow shoulders are so intense on the back but fade a bit from the front. Their eyes are also very pretty and the music note just tops it all off.

I’m beginning to think I should start sparking bunnies because I love them all! Just look at this little puffball! Such a sweet little bit of rainbow on the chest. Just love it.

While I didn’t spark any kitties today, I will vicariously adore this little baby, who looks like they got caught in a snow storm!
With any luck, we should have a video of our spark party up at some point so you can hear our reactions to sparking our babies together. We had a lot of fun! If you’ve got any videos of your sparking or adoptions that you’d like to share, be sure to send the link to — we may feature them! (Don’t share in the comments — we can’t post those!)
Which of these babies is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to head to the Baby Showcase on Webkinz Next to take a closer look!
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17 Responses to Baby Showcase #18

  1. Rachelgirl says:

    I love the rhino triplets, especially the super rare one! I am jealous. I am not sparking a lot of babies on Next because it is so hard (and takes ages) to fill the pet’s hearts on there, having to wait around for their requests (also the grown ups). I know that some people don’t fill their pet’s hearts (and it usually breaks my heart when I watch the Podkinz and Michael shows something on his account and I see that he ignores his pet’s requests, and neither of them is happy – why do we have this feature anyway if people keep their pets unhappy), but I do, on classic as well as on Next, because I want to be a good pet mum, so I only spark as many babies as I can make happy!

  2. LadyBeauty says:

    I went on a sparking party, more like a rampage, of my own from November 27th through Boxing Day. I sparked 3 Babies on the 27th of November, then a few days later on the 4th of December I sparked 7 more. I have been rather stressed at work so my reaction to excessive stress was to spark a bunch of babies! Then I sparked 2 more, one on Christmas Day and one on Boxing Day. I was hoping to get a baby with Holiday markings with the last two babies. It didn’t happen, but all said, I got 2 rare unicorns, some uncommon pets and several common ones: with bunnies, moon bears, a couple of kitties and the cutest little lime green frog with fuchsia sparkly flippers named Lily Pad who wears a tiara to match her flippers! At one point I had 11 babies at once and my Nursery couldn’t hold them all. Previous babies grew into kids, but I still have my 2 unicorn babies in the Unicorn Princess Room and 7 baby cribs in the nursery with cats, pigs, moon bear, bunny and frog. I am looking forward to see what kind of 4th generation babies I’ll be able to make with them! ♪♫LadyBeauty♪♫

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