Magimmery Mist: Secret Recipe Revealed!


The holidays are a great time to try something different when serving guests, or when you want your pet to go on their own culinary adventure! So when you’re looking to craft a dynamic drink, making a glass of Magimmery Mist is sure to stand out as a truly creative concoction!


Just pick up the following 3 ingredient foods from the Webkinz Classic WShop, and then combine them in any blender (available in the “Kitchen” section of the WShop) to create this stirring Secret Recipe!




Want to know about MORE Webkinz Secret Recipes? Check out our Secret Recipe archive here!


Have you discovered the stove recipes in Webkinz Next yet? They’re fun and easy to make!
Just click on a stove once you’ve added it to your room and it will show you a list of recipe foods. You can select any of these recipe foods to learn which ingredients are required.



Unlike Classic, some recipes may require multiples of a single ingredient.



Once you’ve added your ingredients, click the “Cook” button to make your recipe food.



It’s that easy! There’s lots of recipes to make, and even more recipes you can unlock! If you enjoy cooking and crafting, then you’ll love Webkinz Next!


What are some of YOUR favorite secret recipe foods? Let us know in the comments below!




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One Response to Magimmery Mist: Secret Recipe Revealed!

  1. BH1464 says:

    Thanks for another recipe!

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