Jumbleberry Fields Prizes Retiring Soon!


Three prizes will be retired from Jumbleberry Fields at midnight, June 4, 2024. Do you already own the Jumbleberry Wreath, Freshly Baked Sugarberry Pie and the Jam Maker’s Stove? If not, there’s still some time to trade your preserves for these prizes before they’re gone for good!



Keep collecting berries, because six new prizes are arriving at Jumbleberry Fields soon! The Jumbleberry Bathrobe, Pet Buddy Barn, Berry Farm Picnic Table, Berry Farm Bench, Berry Farm Cash Register and the Berry Farm Teeter Totter will be added to the game on June 5:



Play Jumbleberry Fields at the Games Arcade on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App. At the end of each game, you’ll be awarded berries that you can feed to your pet or use to fill up your Jars of Preserves! New to Jumbleberry Fields? Watch this video to learn how to play:



How many of the retiring prizes do you already own? Let us know in the comment section below…


48 Responses to Jumbleberry Fields Prizes Retiring Soon!

  1. allybelle15 says:

    Didn’t play Webkinz for a few months and totally missed this announcment :( Does anyone have extra prizes they’re willing to share? AllyBelle15

  2. cookie232000 says:

    Bummer! I am short pickleberries… I want that stove so badly!

  3. BarCee says:

    I’m going to miss the stove most. Luckily I completed a jumbleberry kitchen last year. I hope I can get another pie before it retires.

  4. forestsprite says:

    Thanks for the heads up! Excited for the bird feeder and register especially!

  5. rosencrantzzz says:

    No please don’t retire the pie, one of greatest, best, most beautiful, actually usuful items ever, all around. I love it so much and need it, nothing compares to this pie. You should’ve replace it with a red version. Very sad. :(

  6. iamawebkinzmom8 says:

    I love the seesaw and cannot wait to get that one for my collection!

  7. frankie98 says:

    Thank you Ganz for the new prizes and for a heads up on the ones retiring. I save my berries all year long just for the time when prizes will be replaced and retired. I do appreciate how you don’t retire the Moonberry prizes as often as it takes Much longer to fill those jars.

    • kalcan8 says:

      Glad to know that I am not the only one who does that! I also save up my Spree rolls in case I need to run to the Spree Mall to snap up some goodies before they retire. I love the cute little pie that is retiring, and I am sad to watch the jam maker’s kitchen appliances disappear. Thankfully I have a fully stocked kitchen. I am excited for a few of the new items coming out. Cash registers are always welcome, and help us with our story telling in room design. The teeter totter and pet buddy barn are cute and I look forward to adding them to my collection. Thank you so much for the advanced notice!!

  8. opal141414 says:

    Hello Webkinz Nation :) I hope someone can help me. I would like to know if the pie stand is a pie dispenser or just a decorative cart. Thanks in advance. opal141414

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