Podkinz Video – Berry Fest 2024!


Webkinz artist Lisa, joins the Podkinz crew to talk about the new Jumbleberry Fields and Berry Fest prizes that she designed! At the end of the episode, Mandy and Michael give away a code for a Hot Dog Cart Fridge!



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com.


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13 Responses to Podkinz Video – Berry Fest 2024!

  1. Alice44 says:

    I can’t see due to parental controls, can sombody plz give me the code?

    • kalcan8 says:

      I don’t know if we are allowed to reprint the prize code. I will try, but just in case it doesn’t work, if you can listen to the Podkinz, Mandy reads the code starting at 15:40 on the video and you can listen to her and replay that part as many times as you need to. (I’m not sure if you mean that you are completely blocked from YouTube videos, but if that is the case, invite one of your parents to watch the Podkinz with you, even on their account. It’s not long, and maybe they will like it so much that they will want to make their own WW account!) The code is: W24Z-ACC6-FZT2-UWL4 Good luck!!

  2. fancyduck58 says:

    I love Berry Fest, it’s one of my favorite Webkinz events! The prizes are really cool, & thank you for having Lisa on to show off her designs- great job! :)

  3. shortordercook says:

    I’m really looking forward to Berry Fest this year! I love all of the prizes. I hope I can collect all of them. I would love multiples of the seeds! It would be really cool, if we could have recipes that use some of the sour berry seeds in them to create a pie for the stove, a shake for the blender, and a crepe for the sandwich maker. Just a thought! :) ♥ Thanks, Ganz Team for a great job for keeping things fresh and fun!

  4. mojojojo75 says:

    I wonder if you guys even care about your customers when they can’t even reach customer service. Imagine paying and not getting any of the benefits you paid for.

  5. wingsfan65 says:

    Great work, Lisa! So much thought put into designing these Webkinz items! Mandy & Michael–thank you, as always, for being such great hosts :)

  6. nicetigress says:

    Thanks for the Podkinz Episode! Thanks for the code!

  7. Alphaowlbear says:

    I think someone was recently looking for one of these coolers, so this is excellent timing and I hope that player sees this Podkinz to get the code. It is always so much fun and very educational to hear from staff members from the creative design team. Congratulations, Lisa – Berry Fest is one of my favorite annual events and I love the new prizes this year and think they are some of the best ever offered!!

  8. Peaches1018 says:

    thank you guys :)

  9. isnowski2 says:

    So cool! Thank you!!

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