To Sell or Not To Sell?


Webkinz Next takes gem mining to a whole new level! There’s an amazing mine that your pets can explore as they search each day for gems! Your pet can mine up to three gems a day but they can only choose one to take from the mine. That’s just the first of two big decisions you have to make!


There are common, uncommon and rare gems and when the time comes to choose your gem, you can see how many of each gem you already have which can help you decide. Then it’s back up the mine shaft to the Curio Shop with your find!


Amanda Panda runs the Curio Shop and she’s always on the lookout for gems. She’ll be ready with an offer and then it’s time to decide – do you sell your gem or keep it?


Selling gems is a great way to earn some extra KinzCash, and sometimes selling a gem may be a season task. In that case you may be asked to sell a gem depending on its rarity so be sure to check the task before you decide. The more rare a gem, the more KinzCash Amanda will offer!


You may be saving up for your Crown of Wonder in which case you might want to keep your gem. You can craft as many Crowns of Wonder as you want as long as you’ve collected at least one of each gem.


Gems can also be used in crafting which is another reason you might want to hang onto them! Visit the Crafting Table in the Curio Shop to check out the awesome items you can craft! That will help you take inventory and figure out which gems you’re willing to sell and which ones you want to keep.


Of course, there’s always a chance you might find slag instead of gems when you go mining but don’t worry! Slag can also be used to craft items in the Curio Shop!

There are many good reasons to sell your gems and many good reasons to keep them! Tell us in the comments, how do YOU decide whether to sell or not to sell?


Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.


19 Responses to To Sell or Not To Sell?

  1. beerfeet says:

    Please add more items to be crafted from gems.

  2. tuscan2007 says:

    To RollinginStiffies and of course the Webkinz Team…..Interesting thought. To the Team….great job in all you do. Loving it.

  3. RollingInStuffies says:

    Webkinz team! What if there were stages of crowns. One of each gem gets you the basic crown, 10 of each gem gets you the next upgraded crown, so on an so forth? That could be interesting in both Next and Classic.

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