Sneak Peek: NEW Property Coming Soon!



Take Vacations home! Things are looking sunny in Webkinz Next! There is a new property that will soon be available for purchase in Webkinz Next!


The new Seaside Property bundle includes a beautiful beachfront house with a fully decorated yard! Your pets will love chilling in this new seaside cabin!


Watch Webkinz Newz for more information about when you can purchase this stunning new property bundle!


Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.


23 Responses to Sneak Peek: NEW Property Coming Soon!

  1. grandmaback says:

    I had been losing about half the fish I snagged and fighting the tension constantly but a few days ago I started clicking the line much slower like 2-3 clicks per second. The tension did not show and even the difficult fish slowly moved to the right and were caught. I have not missed a fish since I started using this slow click technique. My biggest problem is repeat fish. I have 4-5 of many and still non of others. My family hasn’t caught any fish the last few days either. I also have accumulated over 2000 points and am only allowed to use 100 a day. If I can buy 3 a day why can’t I use more of what I earn a day.

  2. rachelgirl193 says:

    Cool property, I will get that when it comes out.

  3. creek4kids says:

    I agree that the vacation fish reeling game is too hard. I haven’t gotten 1 fish yet

  4. wk2nd says:

    Just to make clear I never got one fish to try to real in.

    • kalcan8 says:

      Hi @wk2nd! I actually like the fishing activity. I am really glad that I watched the tutorial first. There was a section on the most recent Podkinz where the Creative Director, Karl, gave a walk-through on Vacations. The deep sea fishing part of the video is from about 9:00-11:30. The only thing that he doesn’t show, is that when you get a chime, and a fish on the line icon, you click anywhere on the water to try to set the hook in the fish who is nibbling on your line. If you fail to set the hook with that fish, you hear a different little chime, and your line comes back and then you can just try again (sort of like real life fishing). If you do set the hook, a pop up window with the specific fish on your hook will appear, and then you can see and hear the battle as the fish fights you. I tap the green button as fast as I can, and ease up while the fish is fighting, so as not to break the line. Some fish fight harder, and take a lot of patience to actually land (just like in real life! Except in WW, your fish will cross the green cloudy void on the right!) Maybe watching the video will help you too. I wish you the best of luck, and happy fishing!

      • kalcan8 says:

        Just to give you an idea of the amount of patience I am talking about – I just reeled in a particularly stubborn spiny dogfish shark, and it took an entire Matchbox Twenty song. He put up quite a fight! My mouse tapping finger was getting tired! LOL!

  5. wk2nd says:

    sooo I just went fishing and ALL my fish showed missed. It kepy letting me try to fish with the green fish showing up but when I clicked the line just came back. :( Please fix

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