Sneak Peek: Magic W Event!



From March 10 – 19, look for the floating Magic W on your Webkinz Classic account, and click on it to win a prize! There are ten prizes to collect, including the grand prize: a Clover Hill Hideaway!



Free players are limited to two prizes a day, full three, and Deluxe players can collect up to four prizes a day. So, play every day for the best chance to win the grand prize!


Do you already own a Clover Hill Hideaway? Let us know in the comment section below…


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36 Responses to Sneak Peek: Magic W Event!

  1. megamom12 says:

    I need the Green River soda mug. I would love more of the clover patches and river sections.

  2. PorcelainDolly says:

    Really digging the shire vibes

  3. stinkypete says:

    what is the mushroom supposed to be? Like, is it a lamp, trampoline, statue?

  4. ngeorgianow says:

    Somehow it feels like top prizes get reused way more often than they used to. I can’t say I’m a fan, selfish as that may sound. Blame the item hoarder in me.

  5. DashietheCloudSheep says:

    that little house looks rather interesting and cozy, i hope i can obtain it

  6. dawnshome says:

    off this topic, but what’s with the soccer ball rug in the Wshop being rare? Where did that come from?

    • dixiecup says:

      That comes from the ‘Fun to be Young’ Theme, it was a monthly Deluxe Membership prize before, but Arte decided to retire it to the Curio Shop. The rug itself can be turned 4 different ways and has a different color for each turn, I like the orange turn and have a couple in my Beautiful Game theme room.

  7. alucard says:

    Really nice prizes! I have all of them other than the Clover Hill Hideaway and the “Shamrock Drink”? (I assume it’s a food item :-( Hoping it’s a placeable item.) Like I said, these prizes are really nice, especially for the newer players. Would have loved to have seen a few more brand new items, like maybe a Gold Dress and hat for the female Leprechaun. Anyway, it will still be fun to get extras of all the items. Hopefully I will get the Hideaway this year. :-) Happy St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th! :-)

    • bear10201 says:

      If I get the Hideaway I will send it to you. Going forward you do not need to send anything in return I am just happy to help a friend.

      • alucard says:

        @bear10201 – Thank you so much, my friend bear10201! I would love to get that. I could use it for my Hobbiton room! If you, or I, don’t get the Hideaway, that will be okay! I think my Hobbits will be just as happy in a “hand built” cabin! :-) You are an awesome friend, bear10201! :-) Thank you for thinking of me! Peace, my friend! :-)

    • sunnypinksky says:

      Oooh I like this idea of a golden dress and hat. Or maybe a golden head bow with a shamrock print. I hope you and everyone else who wants one gets the hideaway. It’s a great prize indeed.

  8. kalcan8 says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Your UN is one of my favorite snacks. LOL!

  9. Koffeecakee says:

    OMG the grand prize is so cute!!! My birthday is in March so I adore anything and everything clover. I cant wait to try and get these items

  10. greenfrog67 says:

    I have been able to trade for a Clover Hill Hideaway since I became active again, but best of luck to anyone still looking to add one to their collection! Great event, you guys! :)

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