From March 10 – 19, look for the floating Magic W on your Webkinz Classic account, and click on it to win a prize! There are ten prizes to collect, including the grand prize: a Clover Hill Hideaway!
Free players are limited to two prizes a day, full three, and Deluxe players can collect up to four prizes a day. So, play every day for the best chance to win the grand prize!
Do you already own a Clover Hill Hideaway? Let us know in the comment section below…
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I need the Green River soda mug. I would love more of the clover patches and river sections.
Really digging the shire vibes
what is the mushroom supposed to be? Like, is it a lamp, trampoline, statue?
It’s a trampoline
Somehow it feels like top prizes get reused way more often than they used to. I can’t say I’m a fan, selfish as that may sound. Blame the item hoarder in me.
that little house looks rather interesting and cozy, i hope i can obtain it
off this topic, but what’s with the soccer ball rug in the Wshop being rare? Where did that come from?
That comes from the ‘Fun to be Young’ Theme, it was a monthly Deluxe Membership prize before, but Arte decided to retire it to the Curio Shop. The rug itself can be turned 4 different ways and has a different color for each turn, I like the orange turn and have a couple in my Beautiful Game theme room.
Oh no! I didn’t realize the rug could be turned for different colours! And sadly I didn’t buy it!
Really nice prizes! I have all of them other than the Clover Hill Hideaway and the “Shamrock Drink”? (I assume it’s a food item :-( Hoping it’s a placeable item.) Like I said, these prizes are really nice, especially for the newer players. Would have loved to have seen a few more brand new items, like maybe a Gold Dress and hat for the female Leprechaun. Anyway, it will still be fun to get extras of all the items. Hopefully I will get the Hideaway this year. :-) Happy St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th! :-)
If I get the Hideaway I will send it to you. Going forward you do not need to send anything in return I am just happy to help a friend.
@bear10201 – Thank you so much, my friend bear10201! I would love to get that. I could use it for my Hobbiton room! If you, or I, don’t get the Hideaway, that will be okay! I think my Hobbits will be just as happy in a “hand built” cabin! :-) You are an awesome friend, bear10201! :-) Thank you for thinking of me! Peace, my friend! :-)
Oooh I like this idea of a golden dress and hat. Or maybe a golden head bow with a shamrock print. I hope you and everyone else who wants one gets the hideaway. It’s a great prize indeed.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Your UN is one of my favorite snacks. LOL!
OMG the grand prize is so cute!!! My birthday is in March so I adore anything and everything clover. I cant wait to try and get these items
Happy Birthday! Hopefully you have a good day (whenever it is lol) and hopefully you can get the grand prize!
I have been able to trade for a Clover Hill Hideaway since I became active again, but best of luck to anyone still looking to add one to their collection! Great event, you guys! :)