Advanced Editing in Webkinz Next

Next-level editing!

Advanced Editing is a feature in Webkinz Next that allows users to place objects in their room with reduced limitations which allows for more options while room designing.
To turn on Advanced Editing, open the Options Menu and check “Advanced Room Editing.”

With this option turned on, you can place your furniture, decorations, shelves and ceiling fixtures at any angle.

You’ll notice that as you move the items across the floor, they no are no longer restricted by a grid. Move items closer together to create intimate spaces and to free-up floor space.

With Advanced Editing, you can adjust the angle of items so that they can fit almost anywhere.


Try it in Webkinz Next today!

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10 Responses to Advanced Editing in Webkinz Next

  1. Ajoy65 says:

    This is off topic but is anyone else having trouble collecting gems in the mines. Everyday I go on and when I go into the mines it keeps saying “Come back tomorrow” saying that I already mined for the day. But I didn’t. ???? Ajoy65 :)

    • sally says:

      This happens if your previous gem mining session was interrupted. Head to the Curio Shop and tap on Amanda Panda. If you have a gem waiting, you can keep or sell it and then mine normally. If there’s no gem, that’s OK — you should still be able to mine afterwards

  2. unifreebee says:

    I love Advanced Editing for decorating but make sure you turn it off to garden!

  3. granma4 says:

    WoW I sure wish we could do this in classic.

  4. alaynaj1212 says:

    This is probably the best feature in the entire game!

  5. pittiesrule says:

    I WISH that we could have this in Classic, too.

  6. samo94 says:

    Need this in classic! But love this!

  7. horselver07 says:

    This is my all around favorite feature of Next. I already love room designing in classic, but in Next it is brought to a whole other level, with so much more freedom.

  8. gappytoo says:

    I love this feature. (I wish it were possible on Classic.) It makes designing rooms so much fun. I am in the midst of designing my Dragon Hero rooms and was devastated to realize that the Royal Carved Chest is not tradeable. Is this something that will be corrected? Thanks.

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