Adopt a Red Velvet Fox in February!


The Red Velvet Fox is one smooth operator! This fancy fox likes to eat, so make sure you keep their Red Velvet Fridge well-stocked! Their one weakness is a desire for delicious desserts, like their favorite–a slice of Velvety Cookie Pie!



Adopt the Red Velvet Fox in February, and you’ll get a loot bag full of surprises and a Pet of the Month prize you can’t get anywhere else!


Want to enhance the Pet of the Month experience?
Why not join the Webkinz virtual Pet of the Month Club? 


Each month, for 12 months, a virtual Webkinz Pet of the Month pet will be delivered directly to your email! That’s a year’s worth of Pet of the Month pets — plus, for signing up, you also get a BONUS virtual pet and a BONUS virtual item!


Click here to learn more about the Pet of the Month Club!


You can find the Pet of the Month and so much more at eStore!


18 Responses to Adopt a Red Velvet Fox in February!

  1. leegirl18 says:

    Mine is named Chappell :3

  2. ninevolt96 says:

    Mine is samich

  3. FoxesRule612 says:

    MY BABYYYYYYYYY aaaaaah <3 I adore the Red Velvet Fox! Velveteen and Gwendolyn my beloveds

  4. Clarinet123000 says:

    I named mine Eurydice!

  5. gatorgirl54 says:

    I named mine Swiftie!

  6. littleleonaC says:

    are the winners of the velvet fox competition going to be shown?

  7. IowaHawkeyes22 says:

    So cute! <3

  8. megamom12 says:

    I adopted Carmine last night.

  9. mfaull says:

    Also, it does say on the blurb about collecting Valentines that we can collect one here on Newz. i think this must be a mistake. I have not seen any floating by.

  10. mfaull says:

    There are just too many adorable pets!! Thank you so much.

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