Look for packs of Wacky Gummies floating across your screen on Webkinz Classic, and click on them to collect gummies!
Your gummies will be added to your Dock. Every time you feed your pet a pack of Wacky Gummies, you’ll have the chance to win Wacky Cupcake Tree Seeds!
Drag the seeds into your pet’s room to plant a Wacky Cupcake Tree. When it’s ready, click on the tree to harvest a Wacky Cupcake that you can feed to your pet!
This event runs until midnight, Sunday, March 23 (EST), on Webkinz Classic. Did you win a pack of Wacky Cupcake Tree Seeds today? Let us know in the comment section below…
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I’m so sad. I collected 24 packets…didn’t get any trees. Very disappointed in those percentages :(
Wasn’t able to get any seeds this weekend due to moving ): if anyone has any extra to spare please let me know <3
Love the seeds! Thanks Ganz! Only problem is they are taking too long to come out.
Hey, I didn’t get any wacky trees if anyone has extra please send for me my accounts are redpanda224 and leigh85, thx so much