Ella’s New Year’s Resolutions Interview: Purr-Cilla

Ella McWoof reporting on New Year’s Resolutions. Purr-Cilla is here with me today to tell me what her resolutions are for the New Year.


EM: Well, Purr-Cilla, what are your resolutions for this year?


Purr-Cilla: Well, Ella, this year I plan to try NOT to help others so much.


EM: Really??? I mean, wow, that’s an interesting resolution.


Purr-Cilla: Well, you know, I feel like I’m always doing stuff for others and I’m never getting the thanks I deserve. Last year when I SHOULD have been school council president I did so much to make Salley’s presidency a success, but then this year, when everyone had the chance to thank me by voting for me, they elected Polly instead.


EM: Well, that doesn’t sound very ni-


Purr-Cilla: And then, in the summer, I tried to include Nibbles with my friends and what did I get for it? Nothing, that’s what. So I’ve had it. No more Ms. Nice Girl. From now on Purr-Cilla looks out for Purr-Cilla.


EM: Well, we’ll all have to pay attention and try to spot the difference. And there you have it, readers. Purr-Cilla’s resolution is to be more – um – less helpful.

17 Responses to Ella’s New Year’s Resolutions Interview: Purr-Cilla

  1. warriors2002 says:

    Purr-Cilla, you go girl!! If you helping people just makes you mad and hurt, don’t!

  2. Glossy says:

    Um, interesting resolution. You know that your not supposed to help others in order to get something in return, don’t you? And you wern’t helping Nibbles, you were USEING her, big difference.

  3. CatzRule says:

    Purr-cilla, you never change, do you? Being nice is not about getting a reward. Purr-Cilla my new year’s resolution is trying to be more helpful.

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